Cooper’s programs address the needs of children and their families living in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain. Most of the families are either low-income and/or single parents. Cooper is located in the heart of the highest concentration of public housing in Massachusetts, with fewer resources available than in other parts of the city.
According to a recent Census, Lower Roxbury is approximately 70% African-American, 20% Hispanic, 7% Caucasian, and 2% Asian. This neighborhood is unusually youthful—more than 33% of the population is under the age of 18, with 14% under the age of 10. Almost 20% of the babies are born to teen mothers. This area is among Boston’s poorest, with a mean household income of less than $20,000. Of working families, 66% earn less than $20,000/year with 37% living in poverty. Low cost, year around childcare is critical to this neighborhood.
Family Composition
Family Income
44% of families served live at or below the poverty level
Over 90% are eligible for free or reduced lunch
Age: | 1 month ?2.9 years: | 16% |
| 2.9 ?6 years: | 54% |
| 5 ?12 years: | 30% |
Gender: | Female: | 63% |
| Male: | 37% |
Ethnicity: | African-American: | 69% |
| African: | 14% (primarily Nigerian) |
| Latino: | 8% |
| Other: | 9% |
Family Structure: | Single parent family: | 80% |
| Two parent family: | 10% |
| Grandparent family: | 5% |
| Foster family: | 5% |